
Join GreenBuzz

Join our sustainability community & become an Individual GreenBuzz Member.
Become an Individual Member to enjoy the benefits, level-up your sustainability knowledge, and make priceless new contacts.
About Memberships

Stay up to date on current sustainability topics, find new ideas or inspiration at one of our many events, and expand your network. Members can redeem free tickets and enjoy other benefits - see below.

The profiles
of our members

Sustainability professionals from small companies to large multinational organisations

Our Memberships

Become A Patron
Do you share our vision of making sustainability the new normal in business and would like to support us in addition to enjoying all member benefits? Consider becoming a patron and supporting our team in Zurich who are making change happen.

GreenBuzz believes that the only way to make rapid and lasting change is by making sustainability a key measure in all businesses.

As a Patron you enjoy all benefits of a Green Member (see table above) and more. You can invite your colleagues, clients and friends to come to our events & workshops. As a non-for-profit organisation, we are dependent on our members and partners’ support. All the proceeds go directly towards our activities. Thank you very much for supporting our mission! You enable us to do the work of connecting and empowering business changemakers to act.