March 23rd –
Our General Assembly took place on Monday. The following points were on our agenda and will be briefly summarised:
- New voting members: We are excited to announce that our volunteers Fidel Chiriboga, Marie Froehlicher & Anisong Somchid have been unanimously elected as new voting members. Congratulations!
- 2021 – A look back: Despite another Corona year creating a challenging situation for our non-profit organisation, we are happy about how we navigated through it thanks to our strong team and network! We were able to run 30 events (18 online, 12 in-person) with great partners, to grow our operational team by one and our volunteer team by seven and to achieve great successes in our fundraising activities. Our GreenBuzz LinkedIn page and newsletter have remained the key tools in communicating all of our activities online and we could significantly increase our reach.
- 2022 & beyond: According to the new 3-year plan, in addition to our events, new activities such as the GreenBusiness Challenge and customised workshops should additionally lead to an increased direct impact in making sustainability the new normal in business. We are thus building a second pillar that complements our events in order to also generate measurable impact.
Thanks a lot to our committed team for participating and helping us make GreenBuzz a success!