Networking Event Series – Excursion to Polestar

Polestar Space Zürich 1a Oetenbachgasse, Zürich, ZH, Switzerland

This event is part of our Networking Event Series – Towards Net Zero powered by Innosuisse. We are delighted that Polestar are exclusively opening their doors to GreenBuzz to share with us their journey towards net zero and the concrete actions that they are already taking. Following the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on […]

Thematic Event: Sustainable Construction – Buildings Meet the Circular Economy

Kulturpark Pfingstweidstrasse 16, Zurich, Switzerland

We spend most of our time inside and depend on buildings to provide these environments for us. However, we have little to no influence over how the buildings we live in are built. So we have to rely on the companies that construct them to consider sustainable practices and innovations. Unfortunately, sustainability and circular economy […]

Networking Event Series – Towards Net Zero

WWF Switzerland Hohlstrasse 110, Zurich, Switzerland

This event is part of our Networking Event Series powered by Innosuisse. The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has once again made it clear that we must act collectively now to prevent the worst consequences of climate change. As governments around the world introduce new regulations to reduce CO2 emissions, […]

Informal Drinks – Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

Bistro Riffraff Neugasse 63, Zurich

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to a range of technologies that combat climate change by reducing the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2). The idea behind CCS is to capture the CO2 combustion of fossil fuels before it escapes into the atmosphere, transporting it, and eventually storing it. New questions arise: What should/ will happen […]

Thematic Event: Digitalisation – Climate Killer or Climate Protector?

SmallPdf Ltd. Steinstrasse 21, Zurich, Switzerland

Technology will continue to transform our lives, and the growth of businesses will depend upon it. Digitalisation has seen a huge jump triggered by the Covid crisis. Millions of businesses around the world have transformed and digitized at a hyper pace. But where there’s light there’s usually dark, too. So what are the good and […]