GreenBuzz Zurich

The social network
for Business

600 + Buzzers
1 + Events
1 + Partners
One Network. Countless Connections Made.
We're a membership-based organisation welcoming individuals and corporates to join in our mission.
GreenBuzz offers a great mix of exciting events, knowledge resources and fantastic networking with like-minded people.
Gabriel Hansmann, GreenBuzz Connect Member, Research Analyst at Globalance Bank
“GreenBuzz is a unique place where people meet who have sustainability anchored into their deepest values but also a place where debate and freedom of speech are important.”
Dominic Ziegler, GreenBuzz Green Member, Founder & CEO at Arbofino AG
“I joined GreenBuzz because I want to learn from other sustainability experts.”
Michelle van Waveren, GreenBuzz Friend Member, Global Social Impact Fellow at MovingWorlds Institute
We connect changemakers to achieve environmental, social and economic sustainability in business.
We host events all around Zurich together with dedicated professionals & organisations.