{"id":32043,"global_id":"greenbuzz.global\/zurich?id=32043","global_id_lineage":["greenbuzz.global\/zurich?id=32043"],"author":"3","status":"publish","date":"2023-09-22 19:56:06","date_utc":"2023-09-22 17:56:06","modified":"2023-10-09 14:24:06","modified_utc":"2023-10-09 12:24:06","url":"https:\/\/greenbuzz.global\/zurich\/event\/christmas-buzzing-lets-end-the-year-together\/","rest_url":"https:\/\/greenbuzz.global\/zurich\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/32043","title":"Christmas Buzzing – Let\u2019s end the year together!","description":"

GreenBuzz invites members, partners and those keen to get to know us to join us for a Christmas buzzing to end the year together!<\/p>\n

This year, we are asking for your support. GreenBuzz has brought to you 20+ events this year on topics including EU taxonomy, energy transition, sharing economy, digitalisation and many more. However, it has been a challenging two years in recovering from the Covid pandemic, and in order to be able to continue offering high-quality, well-prepared buzzing events, we need the support of our community!<\/p>\n

How can you support?<\/p>\n